If you are a teacher who is interested in becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), you...
How to find a BCBA supervisor
You are ready to start collecting supervised fieldwork hours, now where to begin!? You’ve google searched, talked to your professors, and asked classmates. I remember the terrifying task as I began the process. I hope that I am able to provide each supervisee the tools to feel comfortable as you journey down the path to achieve your certification.
Step 1: Consult the BACB
Whenever you begin looking at the requirements for a certification, it is important to consult the board. We are extremely lucky to have a board that is very clear about the requirements for certification. In order to locate resources regarding supervision and experience, see http://www.bacb.com/index.php?page=100872. Be sure to locate the requirements based on the eligibility pathway you are applying for as outlined in the BCBA handbook.
Step 2: Look at program requirements
Depending on the university program, some offer practicum experience. It is very important that you consult your advisor or program chair regarding the requirements for your degree or certification. It is likely that your supervision experience will need to be approved by them, so get those requirements first before reaching out to supervisors.
Step 3: Find a supervisor near you
The BACB has a great resource to locate BCBAs in your area that are able to supervise. To begin, go to https://www.bacb.com/services/o.php?page=101135. Here, you are able to search based on many different criteria. I suggest using the zip code search. Using this search criteria, you will be provided a list of all individuals with a certification listed by distance from you. It will also list who is willing to supervise. Please be sure that you click on the individuals name in order to be sure that the supervisor meets that criteria to supervise. If they do, you can send the BCBA a direct message from the board website.
Step 4: If there is no BCBA near me
If there is not a BCBA near you or those around you are unable to take on more supervisees, the next option is to look into remote supervision. Hoom House is an option to provide remote supervision. If you are interested in learning more about supervision opportunities, visit https://supervision.hoomhouse.com .